Saturday 17 September 2011

Here are 8 benefits of a healthy lifestyle

This article was written to reach the public with a clear and simple way, and to emphasize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle while reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes.

With better understanding of our bodies that have acquired the science that we are in the decade in recent years, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle more clearly, without reason, to detoxify the body of at least 11 years to eliminate harmful bacteria, also to and from our digestive system. Endless for people of any age, weight and performance benefits of a healthy lifestyle. But now let eight simple benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

1st Your Health:

Good health is not something you buy is a pharmacy or a shop, but can by practicing all the models in terms of health, are based on decisions reached from the available options. Following this logic, if you want to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you need some healthy habits as part of your daily or weekly, to review some models, such as healthy eating and exercise. Other advantages: lower costs in health care reduces illness and injury, to visit doctors less, keeps you busy and improved employee / employer relationships.

2nd Weight:

Manage Your Weight is the key to achieving all the health benefits of a healthy lifestyle. With only 10 percent significantly reduces the risk of heart disease and other diseases associated with obesity. Obesity / overweight is the second leading contributor to many childhood diseases such as orthopedic disorders, sleep apnea, emotional type II diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure and cholesterol, skin disorders and psychosocial problems (Spigel, 2002), and many more. Exercises such as running and strength training helps slow the appearance and / or prevention of osteoporosis and some studies show that participation in these activities can actually build bone density and begin to make the disease reversed. Other benefits: weight loss, reduce stress and tension, improve well-being, improved self-image and self-esteem and improved physical function.

3rd Exercise:

Although medications to bring cholesterol alone is often a normal level, diet and exercise provide benefits that drugs do not. They lower blood pressure, reduce weight and to suffer the risk of diabetes. Physical inactivity is a risk factor for the dangerous disease. Exercise and good nutrition helps the body use insulin more efficiently and can help control and prevent many diseases Lightening. Exercise, smoking cessation, eating a high fiber, low fat, controls body weight, and learn to cope with stress, reduce the risk of heart disease.

4th Medicine:

We all want a muscular body and healthy for various reasons, aesthetic, social and medical. Healthy living is truly the best medicine. In a study conducted by the Tufts University New England Medical Center, in patients with cardiovascular disease, exercise has been a significant reduction of LDL-cholesterol program, and other risk factors beyond what is provided for medical treatment. Even a modest weight loss reduces the dog medical and pharmaceutical costs to prevent, weight loss surgery and concomitant diseases such as asthma, high blood pressure and diabetes.

5th Well-being:

Wellness is about being comfortable in your space: your body, your attitude and your environment. Can significantly increase the longevity of a healthy lifestyle person. And even if something contagious catch a cold or flu is sometimes unavoidable wisdom HAVING That feeling is healthy should have to live a better way to ask yourself why you do not take each day as advantageous as possible. The problem with many people today is that they so diligently and / or care at all they will neglect their own health and wellbeing. Make sure your heart is healthy and your bones are strong and they continue to see the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

6th Care:

The best way is to ensure good health through self care. The stakes are high, but the potential rewards are preventing nursing major, premature death from preventable disease and disability, controlling health care costs and maintaining a high quality of life in old age. With a healthy lifestyle, you are who you are and you are not self-conscious about the things that you otherwise, do not worry if your lifestyle

7th Control:

With a healthy lifestyle, you have more control over your life that you live with your body working against those aspects that work for you if you could let it remember. With a healthy lifestyle, you have control over your sleeping habits so that you feel in control throughout the day rested. With a healthy lifestyle, everything works together, with other aspects of your life you give meaning and to help the utility. Science proved that one can help healthy weight loss, healthy eating and fitness routines, dramatic improvements in health and to control common chronic illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress and lack of general endurance.

8th Force:

Another advantage of a healthy lifestyle is a constant force and endurance, you may include activities that will improve your flexibility exercises. With a healthy lifestyle, you have a balanced and varied diet that provides your body the necessary nutrients and energy and STIs. You have to train the force to support the development of muscles, bones and joints, reducing the risk of falls and fractures. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle, whereby the efficiency of the heart. As we age, our bones begin to lose the biological mass and strength. Exercises such as running and strength training helps slow the appearance and / or prevention of osteoporosis and some studies show that participation in these activities can actually build bone density and begin to make the disease reversed.

The good news is that you do not train like an Olympic athlete to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Secrecy and logic are repeating patterns as a healthy part of your company SELECTED daily or weekly. We hope that you get to a healthy lifestyle if you are not already. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

Another benefit of a healthy lifestyle is a steady flow of stamina and strength; you can perform activities and exercises that will enhance your flexibility.

Health Blog

Kate said...

Great post!

Kate said...

I completely agree with you that changing your habits is not an easy path, bit you should do your best to keep moving in the right direction! You can start by making smarter choices you can live with in terms of your food intake, daily habits and an effort to regularly stay active. Just read this article in case you find it hard to answer such a simple question: "Why healthy habits are important?"

Anonymous said...

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